Hear what our valued clients have to say about us!
CTwenty Three LLC, dba A Kick in the Grass Lawns Service. 161 25th Street NW, Naples, FL 34120
o.  239.919.6075 
"My neighbor told me I have the best looking lawn on the block.  A Kick in the Grass lawn service has great service and they are very professional."
-Scott & Carrie-Naples, Florida
" I want to thank the crew at "A Kick In The Grass".  The job is always done and it is one less thing I have to worry about!  Thanks again for the    consistent service."
-Frank-Golden Gate Estates, Naples, Florida

"A Kick in the Grass does an exceptional job on my lawn. Service is always prompt and professional.  All service is done to my specifications and the result is a beautiful lawn.
-Dave & Patty-Fort Myers, Florida